Reduced Scoring
WeBWorK has a Reduced Scoring Period, that is a period before the due date during which all additional work done by the student counts at a reduced rate.
Here is how the Reduced Scoring Period works. There are two parameters, the reducedScoringPeriod which is the length in minutes and the reducedScoringValue, a number in [0,1] which gives the value of work done in Reduced Scoring Period. Suppose the reducedScoringPeriod = 60*24*2 (two days) and the reducedScoringValue = .5. On the page listing the problems, the student will see a message like:
This assignment has a Reduced Scoring Period that begins 11/08/2009 at 05:00am EST and ends on the due date, 11/10/2009 at 05:00am EST. During this period all additional work done counts 50% of the original.
Note: if Reduced Scoring Period = 0, there is no message.
Before the Reduced Scoring Period everything is exactly like a normal problem. For example if a student does 6 parts of a 10 part question correctly, they see
You received a score of 60% for this attempt. Your overall recorded score is 60%.
During the Reduced Scoring Period the student sees the message
Note: You can earn partial credit on this problem. You are in the Reduced Scoring Period: All additional work done counts 50% of the original.
Suppose during the Reduced Scoring Period they attempt the problem again and get 9 of the 10 parts correct. They see
You received a score of 90% for this attempt. Your overall recorded score is 75%.
Finally if they go back to the problem and get all 10 parts correct they see
You received a score of 100% for this attempt. Your overall recorded score is 80%.