## DESCRIPTION ## Trigonometry: periodic answers ## ENDDESCRIPTION ## KEYWORDS('trigonometry', 'periodic answer') ## DBsubject('WeBWorK') ## DBchapter('WeBWorK Tutorial') ## DBsection('Fort Lewis Tutorial 2011') ## Date('01/30/2011') ## Author('Paul Pearson') ## Institution('Fort Lewis College') ## TitleText1('') ## EditionText1('') ## AuthorText1('') ## Section1('') ## Problem1('') ########################### # Initialization DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( "PGstandard.pl", "MathObjects.pl", "AnswerFormatHelp.pl", ); TEXT(beginproblem()); ########################### # Setup Context("Numeric"); $answer = Real("pi/2")->with(period=>pi); ########################### # Main text Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_TEXT Enter a solution to \( \cos(\theta) = 0 \). $BR $BR \( \theta = \) \{ ans_rule(10) \} \{ AnswerFormatHelp("angles") \} END_TEXT Context()->normalStrings; ########################### # Answer evaluation $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1; ANS( $answer->cmp() ); ########################### # Solution Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_SOLUTION ${PAR}SOLUTION:${PAR} The cosine of an angle is zero when the angle is an integer multiple of \( \pi \). END_SOLUTION Context()->normalStrings; COMMENT('MathObject version.'); ENDDOCUMENT();