WeBWorK references

References to WeBWorK
  • in passing -- while mentioning other educational software
  • short -- one paragraph references,
  • long -- longer descriptions or complete articles on some aspect of WeBWorK
  • citations -- citations of a WeBWorK site or a central WeBWorK article
date: 29 June 2012
Title A Reengineering of the Architecture of WeBWorK
pubLink: http://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/resource/view.php?id=139
type: Undergraduate paper
author: David Gage, Zhiyuan Wu, Claude Richard
source: Class project at the University of Waterloo
summary: Analyzes the current code base for WeBWorK2 what is needed to update the WeBWorK interface to meet Web 2.0 standards.  Makes specific proposals as to how to change the architecture to incorporate MVC architectural techniques.
Length of WeBWorK reference: Long
Displayed?:can display
Approved?: approved
("Citation" means that the article references a WeBWorK site or an article by a WeBWorK author.)
