DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( '', '', '', '', '' ); $gt = GraphTool()->with( bBox => [-20, 20, 20, -20], ticksDistanceX => 4, ticksDistanceY => 4, minorTicksX => 3, minorTicksY => 3, ariaDescription => 'Graph a parabola that represents an odd function.', cmpOptions => { list_checker => sub { return 0; } } ); my $cmp = $gt->cmp->withPreFilter('erase')->withPostFilter(sub { my $ans = shift; $ans->{score} = 1 if $ans->{student_value} eq ''; return $ans; }); BEGIN_PGML Graph a parabola that represents an odd function. If that is impossible, then leave the graph blank. [@ $gt->ans_rule @]* END_PGML LABELED_ANS($gt->ANS_NAME, $cmp); ENDDOCUMENT();