DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( '', '', '', '', '' ); $graph0 = GraphTool('{parabola,solid,vertical,(0,0),(1,1)}')->with(cmpOptions => { checker => sub { return 1; } }); $graph1 = GraphTool(); $graph2 = GraphTool('{parabola,solid,vertical,(1,0),(2,1)}')->with(cmpOptions => { checker => sub { return 1; } }); BEGIN_PGML If possible, draw parabolas (using a solid line) which satisfy each of the following conditions individually. If it is impossible to satisfy a condition, just leave the graph empty. a. A parabola which is an even function [@ LABELED_ANS($graph0->ANS_NAME, $graph0->cmp); $graph0->ans_rule @]* a. A parabola which is an odd function [@ LABELED_ANS($graph1->ANS_NAME, $graph1->cmp->withPreFilter('erase')->withPostFilter(sub { my $ans = shift; $ans->{score} = 1 if $ans->{student_value} eq ''; return $ans; })); $graph1->ans_rule @]* a. A parabola which is neither even nor odd [@ LABELED_ANS($graph2->ANS_NAME, $graph2->cmp); $graph2->ans_rule @]* END_PGML ENDDOCUMENT();