##DESCRIPTION ## Algebra problem: true or false for inequality ##ENDDESCRIPTION ##KEYWORDS('algebra', 'inequality', 'fraction') ## DBsubject('Algebra') ## DBchapter('Fundamentals') ## DBsection('Real Numbers') ## Date('6/3/2002') ## Author('') ## Institution('') ## TitleText1('Precalculus') ## EditionText1('3') ## AuthorText1('Stewart, Redlin, Watson') ## Section1('1.1') ## Problem1('22') ######################################################################## DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( "PGstandard.pl", # Standard macros for PG language "MathObjects.pl", #"source.pl", # allows code to be displayed on certain sites. #"PGcourse.pl", # Customization file for the course ); # Print problem number and point value (weight) for the problem TEXT(beginproblem()); # Show which answers are correct and which ones are incorrect $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1; ############################################################## # # Setup # # Context("Matrix"); Context()->constants->add(a=>Real(1)); Context()->flags->set(formatStudentAnswer=>'parsed'); $A = Matrix( [1,2], [3,4] ); $B = Matrix( [x,2], [3,4] ); $Amultiply = $A*5; $Bmultiply = $B*5; #$Atranspose = $A->transpose; #$Btranspose = $B->transpose; ############################################################## # # Text # # Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_TEXT \(5$A = \)\{$Amultiply->ans_array()\} \($Amultiply\) $PAR \(5$B = \)\{$Bmultiply->ans_array()\} \($Bmultiply\) $PAR $PAR END_TEXT Context()->normalStrings; ############################################################## # # Answers # # ANS( $Amultiply->cmp, $Bmultiply->cmp ); ENDDOCUMENT();