Romantic Gestures In A Digital World

How Not So Grand Gestures Have Become Romantic In A Digital World


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In this day and age with social media taking over, the world has become less accustomed to face-to-face to interactions.  Ipads have replaced books.  You can get a date on a dating personals site as fast as ordering take-out online.  A simple emoticon has replaced the evolutionary purpose of talking.

You would think this would the most depressing news for those seeking meaningful relationships, however the way I see it–technology has only made it that much easier for those trying to woo the object of their affections.

My girlfriend has made me out to be the most romantic boyfriend in the world to her friends and if she knew if I had put as much effort as Luke Wilson did in Idiocracy to appear intelligent, then she would know my so-called grand gestures are actually fairly small in the scheme of things.

So if you’re one of those hopeless saps who wants to appear like a hopeless romantic to your girlfriend, here are some things you can do that require minimal effort yet get amazing results:

Call Her!!!!

You know something is wrong when saying ” I will call you” is now the most romantic thing a girl can hear from a guy in 2012.  Think about it: How many times do you actually use your phone for meaningful conversation with someone?  Besides, the occasional call from your grandparents, it seems almost odd to hear from your friends on the phone these days.  When I had asked my girlfriend what was the initial reason why she fell for an as*hole like me, she told me that it was mainly because I actually picked up the phone and called her when I said I would and that I valued conversation.  (*Please note this was back in 2006 when only men were avoiding talking on the phone–but this point still applies.)  So, if you really want to impress her–give her a call!

Make Her an 8Tracks Playlist

In the late 80′s to the mid 90′s, we had the mixtape.  In the late 90′s to early 2000′s, we had the mix CD.  Now in 2012, we have are so self-involved with our own iPod playlists, we never think to make a mix for someone we care about.  I, on the other hand love my music more than I love poutine.  (Yes, that much!)  So instead of making my girlfriend a tape or CD, I simply create a playlist dedicated for her on  It literally takes 10 minutes do and it’s a cheap, priceless and  thoughtful thing to do. 

Do ‘Insanity’ With Her

Too lazy to go jogging with your girlfriend? Yeah…so am I.  Earlier this week, my girlfriend was excited because she bought this workout video series called Insanity.  It was during this time I offered to do it with her.  The look of excitement on her face was mind-blowing.  She hugged me and I  was so smug because not only did I avoid jogging with her, I was able to make her happy by simply staying home and doing an exercise tape with her. Sucker.

Well, there is a reason why she was smiling and it wasn’t because she wanted to workout with me.  It was because she wanted to see this ‘walking smoker’ cough up blood while pointing and laughing in my face.

I won’t get too much into my experience with Insanity, however I will say that Shaun T is a f*cking sadistic bastard.

 Write a loving text without the use of computer acronyms and emoticons

If we actually spoke the way we text–we would all sound like mentally incapacitated individuals that laugh out loud at everything and stick out their tongues to the side when we’re telling a joke.  That’s why when you text your girlfriend, always use your own voice and your own vocabulary.  Woo her with your words and not with your thumbs.

Turning off your iPhone and Your Blackberry on a date

It’s sad that I actually have to write this one out because it should be common sense to turn your phone off on a date, but sadly so many people do this.  Fellas, let me tell you when you actually turn off your phone in front of your date–she will think that is the sexiest thing you have ever done.  Trust me, I have gotten lucky on dates simply with a click of the ‘OFF’ button.

Change Your Status To ‘In A Relationship’ On FaceBook

You really want to see her happy?? Just change your status on FaceBook and see the look on her face afterward.  I know…it seems utterly pointless, right?  Just go with it…trust me.

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