use Carp;
use GD;
use WWPlot;
use Fun;
This module defines a circle which can be inserted as a stamp in a graph (WWPlot) object.
$circle_object = new Circle( $center_pos_x, $center_pos_y, $radius, $border_color, $fill_color);
Here is the code used to define the subroutines open_circle
and closed_circle in
sub open_circle {
my ($cx,$cy,$color) = @_;
new Circle ($cx, $cy, 4,$color,'nearwhite');
sub closed_circle {
my ($cx,$cy, $color) = @_;
$color = 'black' unless defined $color;
new Circle ($cx, $cy, 4,$color, $color);
$circle_object2 = closed_circle( $x_position, $y_position, $color );
@circle_objects = $graph -> stamps($circle_object2);
# puts a filled dot at ($x_position, $y_position) on the graph -- using real world coordinates.