NAME - provide an interactive plot on a rectangular cylinder.

DESCRIPTION provides a macros for creating an interactive plot of a function of two variables z = f(r,t) (where r is the radius and t=theta is the angle) via the LiveGraphics3D javascript applet. The routine CylindricalPlot3D() takes a MathObject Formula of two variables defined over an annular domain and some plot options as input and returns a string of plot data that can be displayed using the Live3Ddata() routine of the macro.



Options are:

function => $f,        $f is a MathObjects Formula
                       For example, in the setup section define

                       $a = random(1,3,1);
                       $f = Formula("$a*r + t"); # use double quotes!

                       before calling CylindricalPlot3D()

rvar => "r",           independent variable name, default "r"
tvar => "t",           independent variable name, default "t"

rmin =>  0,            domain for rvar
rmax =>  3,

tmin => -3,            domain for tvar
tmax =>  3,

rsamples => 20,        deltar = (rmax - rmin) / rsamples
tsamples => 20,        deltat = (tmax - tmin) / tsamples

axesframed => 1,       1 displays framed axes, 0 hides framed axes

xaxislabel => "X",     Capital letters may be easier to read
yaxislabel => "Y",
zaxislabel => "Z",

outputtype => 1,       return string of only polygons (or mesh)
              2,       return string of only plotoptions
              3,       return string of polygons (or mesh) and plotoptions
              4,       return complete plot