NAME - Insert images into problems that are generated using LaTeX.


This is a convenience macro for utilizing the LaTeXImage object to insert LaTeX images into problems. An example::

$image = createLaTeXImage();
\xymatrix{ A \ar[r] & B \ar[d] \\\\
           D \ar[u] & C \ar[l] }

The LaTeX code is in a perl interpolated heredoc, so you may need to be careful with backslashes. In the above, \\\\ becomes \\, because a simple \\ would become \. But \x and \a do not require escaping the backslash. (It would be harmless to escape these too though.)

If math content is within the LaTeX code, delimit it with \(...\) instead of with dollar signs.

Then insert the image into the problem with



There are several LaTeXImage parameters that may need to be set for the LaTeXImage object return by createLaTeXImage to generate the desired image.

$image->tex()              Add the tex commands that define the image.
                           This takes a single string parameter.  It is
                           generally best to use single quotes around the
                           string.  Escaping of special characters may be
                           needed in some cases.

$image->environment()      Either a string naming an environment to wrap the
                           tex() in, or an array where the first element is
                           the name of an environment and an optional second
                           argument is a string with options for the environment.
                           For example:
                           $image->environment(['circuitikz','scale=1.2, transform shape']);

$image->tikzLibraries()    Add additional tikz libraries to load.  This
                           takes a single string parameter.
                           For example:

$image->texPackages()      Add tex packages to load.  This takes an array for
                           its parameter.  Each element of this array should
                           either be the package name as a string, or an
                           array with two elements, the first of which is the
                           package name as a string and the second of which
                           is a string containing the options for the package.
                           For example:
                               ["hf-tikz", "customcolors"],
                               ["xcolor", "cmyk,table"]

$image->addToPreamble()    Additional commands to add to the TeX preamble.
                           This takes a single string parameter.

$image->ext()              Set the file type to be used for the image.
                           The valid image types are 'png', 'gif', 'svg',
                           and 'pdf'.  The default is an 'svg' image.  You
                           should determine if an 'svg' image works well with
                           the LaTeX code that you utilize.  If not, then use
                           this method to change the exension to 'png' or

                           This macro sets the extension to 'pdf' when a
                           hardcopy is generated.

$image->convertOptions()   If ImageMagick's convert command is used to build
                           the output image (presently only done for 'png'
                           output) these input and output options will be
                           used. For example:
                               input => {density => 300},
                               output => {quality => 100, resize => "500x500"}
                           For a complete list of options, see: