This macro helps the instructor create a drag-and-drop environment in which a pre-specified set of elements may be dragged to different "buckets", effectively partitioning the original set into subsets.


An HTML element into or out of which other elements may be dragged will be called a "bucket".

An HTML element which houses a collection of buckets will be called a "bucket pool".


To initialize a DraggableSubset bucket pool in a .pg problem, insert the line

$draggable = DraggableSubsets(
    option1 => $value1,
    option2 => $value2,

Then insert the draggable subset bucket pool into the problem text with


for basic PG, or


for PGLM. Note the following also works, but is deprecated. However, if you want your problem to be compatible with previous versions of PG this must be used. Call

\{$draggable->Print\} (or [@ $draggable->Print @]* for PGML)

within the BEGIN_TEXT / END_TEXT (or BEGIN_PGML / END_PGML ) environment. Then call


after END_TEXT (or END_PGML).

$full_set, e.g. ["statement1", "statement2", ...], is an array reference to the list of elements, given as strings, in the original full set.

$answer_sets, e.g. [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], ...], is an array reference to a list of array references corresponding to the correct answer which is a set of subsets. Each subset element is specified via the index of the element in the $full_set, with the first element having index 0.

Available Options:

DefaultSubsets    => <array reference>
OrderedSubsets    => 0 or 1
AllowNewBuckets   => 0 or 1
BucketLabelFormat => <string>
ResetButtonText   => <string>
AddButtonText     => <string>
RemoveButtonText  => <string>

Their usage is demonstrated in the example below.



$draggable = DraggableSubsets(
    # Full set.  Make sure to use "\(...\)" for math and not "`...`" for correct display.
        "\(e\)",    # index 0
        "\(r\)",    # index 1
        "\(r^2\)",  # index 2
        "\(s\)",    # index 3
        "\(sr\)",   # index 4
        "\(sr^2\)", # index 5

    # Reference to array of arrays of indices, corresponding to
    # the correct set of subsets.
    [ [0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5] ],

    # Default instructor-provided subsets.
    # The default value if not given is [] which is interpreted to mean that
    # the full set will be the only subset initially shown.
    DefaultSubsets => [
            # Label of the bucket.
            label     => 'coset 1',
            # Specifies pre-included elements in the bucket via their indices.
            indices   => [ 1, 3, 4, 5 ],
            # Specifies whether student may remove bucket.
            removable => 0
            label     => 'coset 2',
            indices   => [ 0 ],
            removable => 1
            label     => 'coset 3',
            indices   => [ 2 ],
            removable => 1

    # 0 means order of subsets does not matter. 1 means otherwise.
    # (The order of elements within each subset never matters.)
    # The default value if not given is 0.
    OrderedSubsets => 0,

    # 0 means no new buckets may be added by student. 1 means otherwise.
    # The default value if not given is 1.
    AllowNewBuckets => 1,

    # If this option is defined then labels for buckets for which a specific
    # label is not provided will be created by replacing %s with the bucket
    # number to this prefix.  These labels will also be used for buckets
    # added by the user if AllowNewBuckets is 1.  This string should contain
    # exactly one instance of %s.  The default value if not given is
    # undefined.
    BucketLabelFormat => 'Subset %s'

    # This is the text label for the button shown that resets the drag and
    # drop element to its default state.  The default value if not given is
    # "Reset".
    ResetButtonText => 'zurücksetzen'

    # This is the text label for the button shown that adds new buckets.
    # The button is only shown if AllowNewBuckets is 1.
    # The default value if not given is "Add Bucket".
    AddButtonText => 'Add Subset'

    # This is the text label for the remove button that is added to any
    # removable buckets.  The default value if not given is "Remove".
    RemoveButtonText => 'Delete'

    # These are options that will be passed to the $draggable->cmp method.
    cmpOptions => { checker => sub { ... } }

Let [``G = D_3 = \{ e, r, r^2, s, sr, sr^2 \}``] be the Dihedral group of
order [`6`], where [`r`] is counter-clockwise rotation by [`2\pi/3`], and
[`s`] is the reflection across the [`x`]-axis.

Partition [`G = D_3`] into *right* cosets of the subgroup
[`H = \{ e, s \}`].

Give your result by dragging the following elements into separate buckets,
each corresponding to a coset.




A custom checkers can also be used by passing the list_checker option to the cmp method. See for details on how to use a custom list checker. This follows the usual rules for the return value of the list_checker method.

Note that the correct and student answers will be Perl arrays containing MathObject Lists corresponding to all buckets in the answer.