NAME - Convert WeBWorK and PG POD into HTML form.

SYNOPSIS [options]

  -p|--pg-root          Directory containing  a git clone of pg.
                        If this option is not set, then the environment
                        variable $PG_ROOT will be used if it is set.
  -o|--output-dir       Directory to save the output files to. (required)
  -b|--base-url         Base url location used on server. (default: /)
                        This is needed for internal POD links to work correctly.
  -v|--verbose          Increase the verbosity of the output.
                        (Use multiple times for more verbosity.)

Note that --pg-root must be provided or the PG_ROOT environment variable set if the POD for pg is desired.


Convert WeBWorK and PG POD into HTML form.