NAME -- Run perltidy on webwork2 source files.

SYNOPSIS [options] file1 file2 ...


Run perltidy on webwork2 source files.


For this script to work the the .perltidyrc file in the webwork2 root directory must be readable. Note that the webwork2 root directory is automatically detected.

This script accepts all of the options that are accepted by perltidy. See the perltidy documentation for details.

However, the -pro option is not allowed. This script will use the .perltidyrc file in the PG root directory for this option instead.

In addition the default value of -bext for this script is '/', which means that backup files will be created with the .bak extension, and will be deleted if there are no errors. Note that this behavior may be changed by passing a different value for the -bext option.

Note that the -v flag makes this script verbose, and does not output the perltidy version as it would usually do for perltidy.

Finally, if no files are passed on the command line, then perltidy will be executed on all files with the extensions .pl, .pm, or .t in the webwork2 root directory. If files are passed on the command line, then perltidy will only be executed on the listed files.