WeBWorK::Utils::CourseIntegrityCheck - check that course database tables agree with database schema and that course directory structure is correct.


Checks the course tables in the mysql database and ensures that they are the same as the ones specified by the databaseLayout

$CIchecker-> updateCourseTables($courseName, $table_names);

Adds schema tables to the database that had been missing from the database.

$CIchecker->checkTableFields($courseName, $table);

Checks the course tables in the mysql database and insures that they are the same as the ones specified by the databaseLayout

$CIchecker->updateTableFields($courseName, $table);

Checks the fields in the table in the mysql database and insures that they are the same as the ones specified by the databaseLayout


Checks the course directories to make sure they exist and have the correct permissions.


Creates some course directories automatically.