WeBWorK::Utils::CourseManagement::sql_single - create and delete courses using the sql_single database layout.

# DBFIXME this whole process should be through an abstraction layer # DBFIXME (we shouldn't be calling mysqldump here sub archiveCourseHelper { my ($courseID, $ce, $dbLayoutName, %options) = @_; debug("courseID=$courseID, ce=$ce dbLayoutName=$dbLayoutName\n");

##### get list of tables to archive #####

my $dbLayout    = $ce->{dbLayouts}->{$dbLayoutName};
my %sources     = dbLayoutSQLSources($dbLayout);
debug("fSources: ", Dumper(\%sources));
my $source    = mostPopularSource(%sources);
my %source = %{ $sources{$source} };
my @tables = @{ $source{tables} };
my $username = $source{username};
my $password = $source{password};
my $archiveDatabasePath = $options{archiveDatabasePath};

##### construct SQL statements to copy the data in each table #####

my @stmts;
my @dataTables = ();
foreach my $table (@tables) {
        debug("Table: $table\n");
        if ($dbLayout->{$table}{params}{non_native}) {
                debug("$table: marked non-native, skipping\n");
        my $table = do {
                my $paramsRef = $dbLayout->{$table}->{params};
                if ($paramsRef) {
                        if (exists $paramsRef->{tableOverride}) {
                        } else {
                                ""; # no override
                } else {
                        ""; # no params
        } || $table;
        debug("sql \"real\" table name: $table\n");

# this method would be mysql specific but it's a start
        # mysqldump  --user=$username   --password=$password database   tables
#               my $stmt = "DUMP SELECT * FROM `$fromTable`";
#               debug("stmt = $stmt\n");
#               push @stmts, $stmt;
    push @dataTables, $table;
debug("Database tables to export are ",join(" ", @dataTables));
# this method would be mysql specific but it's a start
my $mysqldumpCommand = $ce->{externalPrograms}{mysqldump};
my $exportStatement = " $mysqldumpCommand  --user=$username  ".
"--password=$password " .
" webwork   ".
join(" ", @dataTables).
"   >$archiveDatabasePath";
my $exportResult = system $exportStatement;
$exportResult and die "Failed to export database with command: '$exportStatement ' (errno: $exportResult): $!
\n\n Check server error log for more information.";

##### issue SQL statements #####

# my $dbh = DBI->connect($source, $username, $password); # unless (defined $dbh) { # die "sql_single: failed to connect to DBI source '$source': $DBI::errstr\n"; # } # # foreach my $stmt (@stmts) { # my $rows = $dbh->do($stmt); # unless (defined $rows) { # die "sql_single: failed to execute SQL statement '$stmt': $DBI::errstr\n"; # } # } # # $dbh->disconnect;

return 1;

# DBFIXME this whole process should be through an abstraction layer # DBFIXME (we shouldn't be calling mysqldump here!) sub unarchiveCourseHelper { my ($courseID, $ce, $dbLayoutName, %options) = @_; debug("courseID=$courseID, ce=$ce dbLayoutName=$dbLayoutName\n");

##### get list of tables to archive #####

my $dbLayout    = $ce->{dbLayouts}->{$dbLayoutName};
my %sources     = dbLayoutSQLSources($dbLayout);
debug("fSources: ", Dumper(\%sources));
my $source    = mostPopularSource(%sources);
my %source = %{ $sources{$source} };
my @tables = @{ $source{tables} };
my $username = $source{username};
my $password = $source{password};
my $unarchiveDatabasePath = $options{unarchiveDatabasePath};
debug( "unarchive database Path is $unarchiveDatabasePath");
##### construct SQL statements to copy the data in each table #####

# this method would be mysql specific but it's a start
my $mysqlCommand = $ce->{externalPrograms}{mysql};
my $importStatement = " $mysqlCommand  --user=$username  ".
"--password=$password " .
"-D webwork".        # specifies database name
"   <$unarchiveDatabasePath";
my $importResult = system $importStatement;
$importResult and die "<pre>Failed to import database with command: \n
'$importStatement ' \n
(errno: $importResult): $!
\n Check server error log for more information.\n</pre>";
#FIXME  -- what should the return be??
return 1;

# returns the name of the source with the most tables sub mostPopularSource { my (%sources) = @_;

my $source;
if (keys %sources > 1) {
        # more than one -- warn and select the most popular source
        debug("more than one SQL source defined.\n");
        foreach my $curr (keys %sources) {
                $source = $curr if not defined $source or @{ $sources{$curr}->{tables} } > @{ $sources{$source}->{tables} };
        debug("only handling tables with source \"$source\".\n");
        debug("others will have to be handled manually (or not at all).\n");
} else {
        # there's only one
        ($source) = keys %sources;

return $source;