WeBWorK::Utils::Instructor - Useful instructor utility tools.


Primary assignment methods

assignSetToUser($db, $userID, $GlobalSet)

Assigns the given set and all problems contained therein to the given user. If the set (or any problems in the set) are already assigned to the user, a list of failure messages is returned.

assignMultipleProblemsToGivenUsers($db, $userIDsRef, $set_id, @globalProblemIDs)

Assigns all the problems of the given $set_id to the given users. The list of users are sent as an array reference If any assignments fail, an error message is returned.

assignProblemToUser($db, $userID, $GlobalProblem, $seed)

Assigns the given problem to the given user. If the problem is already assigned to the user, an error string is returned. If $seed is defined, the UserProblem will be given that seed.

Secondary assignment methods

assignSetToAllUsers($db, $ce, $setID)

Assigns the set specified and all problems contained therein to all users in the course. This skips users whose status does not have the behavior include_in_assignment. This is more efficient than repeatedly calling assignSetToUser(). If any assignments fail, a list of failure messages is returned.

assignSetToGivenUsers($db, $ce, $setID, $alwaysInclude, @userRecords)

Assigns the set specified and all problems contained therein to all users in the list provided. When $alwaysInclude is false, it will skip users whose status does not have the behavior include_in_assignment. This is more efficient than repeatedly calling assignSetToUser(). If any assignments fail, an error message is returned.

unassignSetFromAllUsers($db, $setID)

Unassigns the specified sets and all problems contained therein from all users.

assignAllSetsToUser($db, $userID)

Assigns all sets in the course and all problems contained therein to the specified user. If any assignments fail, a list of failure messages is returned.

unassignAllSetsFromUser($db, $userID)

Unassigns all sets and all problems contained therein from the specified user.

Utility assignment methods

assignSetsToUsers($db, $ce, $setIDsRef, $userIDsRef)

Assign each of the given sets to each of the given users. If any assignments fail, a list of failure messages is returned.

unassignSetsFromUsers($db, $setIDsRef, $userIDsRef)

Unassign each of the given sets from each of the given users.


Assigns the problem specified to all users to whom the problem's set is assigned. If any assignments fail, a list of failure messages is returned.

Utility method for adding problems to a set

Utility methods

Methods for listing various types of files