WeBWorK::Utils::LanguageAndDirection - utilities to determine the language and text direction for a page based on language, or for a problem based on settings from the PG flags, the course configuration variable $perProblemLangAndDirSettingMode, and the course language.


use WeBWorK::Utils::LanguageAndDirection;


This module provides functions to determine the language and text direction for a page based on language, or for a problem based on settings from the PG flags, the course configuration variable $perProblemLangAndDirSettingMode, and the course language.



Returns the LANG attribute and when needed the DIR attribute based on the language.

It selects the language based on the given language code and otherwise defaults to lang="en-US".

When the language chosen is a known right to left language, it will also set the DIR attribute to "rtl". Currently, only Hebrew ("heb" or "he") and Arabic ("ar") trigger the RTL direction setting.

get_problem_lang_and_dir subroutine
@output = get_problem_lang_and_dir($pg_flags, $requested_mode, $lang);
$output = get_problem_lang_and_dir($pg_flags, $requested_mode, $lang);

Used to determine the language and maybe also the dir setting for the DIV tag attributes, if needed by the PROBLEM language.

$pg_flags is a reference to the "flags" hash of a pg problem.

$requested_mode is optional, and if provided should be a string containing the mode (one of "force", "auto", or ""), language code, and direction separated by colons. Alternately $requested_mode may be "none". If it is "none" or undefined the return result is empty.

$lang is also optional, and should the language code if provided.

Return a hash of key-value pairs (eg. lang => "eng", dir => "ltr") in list context, and a string (eg. ' lang="eng" dir="ltr"') in scalar context. In some cases, the return result is empty.


Written by Nathan Wallach, tani (at)