Create WeBWorK Virtual Machine (.OVA) File
Instructions for creating a WeBWorK Virtual Machine (.OVA) Image
Note that the resulting .ova image can be used to create a virtual machine
Build the server on VMWare Workstation (Player or Pro)
- 8 GBk disk (single file)
- 1 GB memory
- 1 cpu
The above resources are very minimal and (except for disk space) correspond to a AWS t2-micro level machine which is free.
- Download the ubuntu live CD (server version)
- Install following the standard directions with the following options
- Don't partition disks separately
- User name: wwadmin
- login: wwadmin
- password: wwadmin
- Computer name: wwserver
Workstation Player
When you see REBOOT, Do not reboot the system Close the window and pick power off Open VMWare player, select (right click) guest and select settings. And remove all the autoinst CD and floppy (check if this is the correct thing to do). Then boot and login (wwadmin/wwadmin)
Check if tools are installed
vmware-toolbox-cmd -v
and if so, remove them
sudo apt remove open-vm-tools
sudo apt autoremove
After system boots check that openssh-server is installed
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
to check if it is listening on port 22 If not install openssh-server
sudo apt install openssh-server
Find the ip address of your guest The Guest IP is the IP address your guest WeBWorK server is using. You can find it (after you login) by entering the command
$ ip address show
and looking at the output, something like
link/ether 00:0c:29:4f:2c:1d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global dynamic ens33
Login from Terminal program
At this point you can login to your server from your host machine using SSH (non secure telnet and FTP are not allowed but secure SSH and SFTP are) using your favourite terminal emulator program. E.g. set your terminal to connect to
You can do all of the remaining installation from a terminal emulator on your host. The advantage of doing this is that you can copy commands from these instructions (with copy from the Edit menu or ^C) and paste them into a terminal window (with paste from the Edit menu list or <Shift> <Ctrl> <V> or <Shift> <Insert> depending on your application).
- set password for webworkWrite (wwadmin)
=== set up MyTestCourse===
- add practice users and jsmith/jsmith to myTestCourse
- add the standard sets to myTestCourse
- implement all options A-E except C (run WW through SSL)
Remove openssh-server
Reset CPU's amd Memory
Set the memory to 1 GB and processors to 1
sudo apt remove openssh-sftp-server
Export to an .ova file.
Workstation Player
Find the path to your VM Open a command prompt as administrator
cd D:\program files\vmware\vmware OVF_Tool
ovftool “C:\the path to your VM\your VMname.vmx” c:\new directory\name.ova