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WeBWorK Tutorial For Importing Homework Sets from Definition Files

This is a subset of the tutorial on Moving homework sets from one course to another. Although for newer versions of WeBWorK the below screenshots will not be exactly representing what an instructor will see, the names of the tabs, buttons etc. haven't changed as of WeBWorK version 2.16.


The tutorial assumes that you have already exported a tar file of definition files, under the name of Experiment2.tar, and that file is on your desktop. We also assume that you have created a course, named Experiment3, and that you want to import the definition files has homework sets for that course.

Upload the archived file to the new course

From Experiment3, upload the archived file. Go to the File Manager and select Browse, then find the file to upload.

MovingHomeworkPict10.png MovingHomeworkPict11.png

Now select upload and see that the problem set has been added to the file list. Notice below the Upload button the two check boxes indicating that archives (like our tar file) will be unpacked automatically and then deleted.

MovingHomeworkPict12.png MovingHomeworkPict13.png

Import the problem sets into the new course

Finally we want to import the problem sets into the new course. Select the sets you want to import. It is easiest if we use the multiple set import option since it will provide a set name.

MovingHomeworkPict14.png MovingHomeworkPict15.png

Notice that the set has been imported.