Site Info, Login Info, Course Info
WeBWorK has three editable files which are used to display information for the whole WeBWorK site (Site Info), on a course's login page (Login Info) and on a course's front page (Course Info).
Site Info
General Site Info is displayed on the page listing all WeBWorK courses and also on the login page for every course below Login Info. It is displayed on the login page since most people will go directly to the login page bypassing the page listing all WeBWorK courses. Since this information is about the site as a whole, it has to be entered by a WeBWorK administrator who has login access to the server by editing the file /opt/webwork/webwork2/htdocs/site_info.txt
. If this file is empty (which is the case for a new WeBWorK installation) no information will be displayed. Administrators can place whatever information they they desire in the file using standard html. E.g.
<div style="font-size:14pt"> Welcome to the WeBWorK server at my university. </div>
If the server will be going down for maintenance, this is one place to post that information.
Login Info
Login Info is displayed on the login page for a course. If this file is missing (which usually the case for a new WeBWorK course) no information will be displayed. Instructors can place whatever information they they desire in the file using standard html. They do so by creating a file login_info.txt
in the templates directory of their course. To do this, select the File Manager (which will automatically place you in your course's templates directory), then click on New File, enter login_info.txt
for the file name, click New File and then enter whatever information you want to give your students about logging into your course, e.g.
<FONT SIZE="+1"><B>Welcome to WeBWorK!</B></FONT> <P> Your username is the same as the one used for your university email, and your initial password is your Student ID number (you should change that after you log in). <P> Log in and follow the instructions that will appear in this panel once you have done so. For the first assignment, do not log in as a guest user or using a friend's account. If you do, you will not receive credit for doing the assignment!