Revision as of 01:39, 7 June 2012 by Nandor.sieben (talk | contribs) (Created page with "#!/usr/bin/perl # Showactive # Prints a list of active webwork users. # Author: Nandor Sieben @config= `cat $ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}/conf/global.conf`; for $line (@config) { i...")
- !/usr/bin/perl
- Showactive
- Prints a list of active webwork users.
- Author: Nandor Sieben
@config= `cat $ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}/conf/global.conf`;
for $line (@config) {
if ($line =~ /\$database_username.*=.*"(.+)"/) { $database_username = $1; } if ($line =~ /\$database_password.*=.*"(.+)"/) { $database_password = $1; }
sub mysql { my ($sql) = @_; qx[mysql -s -u $database_username -p$database_password webwork << EOF $sql quit EOF ]; }
@tables= mysql(q[show tables like '%key';]);
foreach $table (@tables) {
chop $table; next if ($table =~ /-/);
- print "|$table|\n";
@rows=mysql(qq[select user_id, timestamp from $table]); foreach $row (@rows) { if ( $row =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { $name=$1; $stamp=$2; $name =~ s/_.+//; $age =($ctime - $stamp) / 60; if ($age < 10) { $table =~ s/_key//; print "$table\t $name\t $age\n"; } } }