Where to find WeBWorK problems like this

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To access the WeBWorK problems with Flash applets, you will need to run OPL-update fix for WeBWorK version ww2.5.1.1. If you are running WeBWorK using the MAA server, you don't need to worry about this. If you are using a current version of WeBWorK installed after January, 2013, you do not need to worry about this. For older versions of WeBWorK, the applet problems will still work, but the library browser does not automatically copy the applet files to a place your installation can find them. What this means is if you have an older installation and you cannot run OPL-update then you will need to manually copy the applet files to your course. This is easy but tedious.

Instructions for old WeBWorK versions

In older versions of WeBWorK, including a problem with an applet from the National Problem Library via the library browser will not work. The PG code for the problem will be correctly loaded, but WeBWorK won't be able to locate the �file containing the actual applet.

Every Flash applet needs access to a �file ending with the .swf extension, which contains the graphical description and code executed by the applet. Currently (for older WeBWorK versions), these �files have to be manually uploaded to the correct directory in a WeBWorK installation. This problem has been resolved for WeBWorK version and subsequent versions, but if you are running and older version, you will need to follow the steps outlined here.

Please notice that this procedure must be done only once, for a single course. Once the applet fi�les have been uploaded to one course, they will be available to all courses.