Javascript: PG Code Snippet
This code snippet shows the essential PG code to include javascript in a WeBWorK question. Note that these are insertions, not a complete PG file. This code will have to be incorporated into the problem file on which you are working.
PG problem file | Explanation |
loadMacros(""); |
We don't need any changes to the tagging and description or initialization sections of the WeBWorK PG file to include javascript. This particular example, however, involves an answer with units , so we have to include the parser module for that. |
## include javascript to open units ## help window HEADER_TEXT(<<EOF); <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- // function unitspopup() { var url = "/webwork2_files/units.html"; var opt = "height=625,width=600,location=no," + "menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes," + "scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,";,'examdata_info',opt).focus(); } // --> </script> EOF |
In the problem set up section we can include any javascript that is to be inserted into the header of the web page that's created by using the |
BEGIN_TEXT Enter 3 kg: \{ ans_rule(10) \} $BR (include \{htmlLink("javascript:unitspopup()","units")\}) |
We can then use the function in the problem; here we include it as a link. |
ANS( NumberWithUnits("3 kg")->cmp() ); |
No changes are needed in the answer and solution section of the file, except any use of the javascript that one uses there. Here we don't have any changes. |