Answer Hints
This PG code shows how to include three different kinds of answer hints:
- General answer hints that help students get started on a problem and are always available via "Knowls".
- General answer hints that help students get started on a problem and are made available after a student has submitted an answer at least once (a "Show hints" checkbox appears near the "Submit Answers" button) via a
block of text. - Specific, customized answer hints that appear in the answer feedback messages box after a student submits a particular answer that activates a pre-programmed hint via the
macro and a post-filter with answer hints for the answer checker.
You may also be interested in ErrorMessageCustomization
PG problem file | Explanation |
DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( "", "", "", ); TEXT(beginproblem()); |
We need to include the macros file |
Context("Numeric"); Context()->variables->are(t=>"Real",u=>"Real"); $f = Formula("2 t"); $answer = Formula("6 u"); |
We restrict the variables to |
Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_TEXT If \( f(t) = $f \), then \( f(3u) \) = \{ ans_rule(10) \} $BR $BR \{ knowlLink("Click for a hint", value=>'Substitute 3u wherever you see t in the formula for f.') \} END_TEXT $showHint = 5; BEGIN_TEXT $PAR If you don't get this in $showHint tries, you can get a hint. END_TEXT BEGIN_HINT Substitute \( 3u \) wherever you see \( t \) in the formula for \( f(t) = $f \). END_HINT Context()->normalStrings; |
Main Text: Knowls (little bits of knowledge) provide an always present link to a hint that, when clicked on, expands to reveal the hint or, when clicked on again, retracts to hide the hint. No special macros are needed for Knowls.
For hints that are revealed to students only after a certain number of submissions, we set |
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1; ANS($answer->cmp()->withPostFilter(AnswerHints( Formula("6 t") => "Are you using the correct variable?", Formula("6 u") => "Good work!", ))); |
Answer Evaluation:
To generate specific, customized answer hints for particular answers, we use the If the same error message should be given for several different answers, you should make a square bracketed list of those answers. For example, if the variables x, t, and u were all in the context, we could use ANS($answer->cmp()->withPostFilter(AnswerHints( [Compute("6 t"),Compute("6 x")] => "Are you using the correct variable?", )));
If the MathObjects answer evaluator normally generates a message, the default is not to change a message that is already in place. To override a message generated by a MathObjects answer evaluator, you should set ANS($answer->cmp()->withPostFilter(AnswerHints( Compute("6 u") => ["Good work!",replaceMessage=>1], ))); |
- POD documentation:
- PG macro code:
- POD documentation:
- PG macro code: