Contributed Admin Scripts (Large Installations)

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Managing large WeBWorK installations often results in managing the courses and rosters on the server being difficult if one tries to do it all from the Web administration interface. As a result, there are a number of WeBWorK administration scripts that people have developed. These are included below with some minimal explanation and documentation.

  • Archive and delete script: archive and delete a (list of) courses. Call as sh file1 [file2..]. Provided by Hal Sadofsky, University of Oregon. (calls
  • Hide courses script: hide a (list of) courses from the list of courses on the WeBWorK courses page. Call as sh file1 [file2..]. Provided by Hal Sadofsky, University of Oregon.
  • Delete (and log) anonymous gateway/quiz assignments script: delete from the WeBWorK database gateway/quiz assignments that have been taken by practice users. Call as wwclearAnonymous. See configuration variables section of the script. Provided by Gavin LaRose, University of Michigan. wwclearAnonymous
  • Create set-definition files for all courses on a server: The script creates a def_files subdirectory containing a directory for each course with def files. You need to edit "" and "mypassword". Provided by Nandor Sieben, Northern Arizona University. archiveSetsAsDefFiles
  • Large-scale management script handling creation and updating of courses: wwManage. Actions are selected from an interactive prompt. Provided by Gavin LaRose, University of Michigan. wwManage