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WeBWorK Documentation Wiki

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What is WeBWorK?

Example of a WeBWork Problem

WeBWorK is a well-tested homework system for delivering individualized problems over the web. By providing students with immediate feedback as to the correctness of their answers, students can be encouraged to make multiple attempts until they succeed. With individualized problem sets, students can work together but will have to enter their own work to receive credit.

The instructors are provided with real-time statistics, resulting in lesson plans that can be customized to better serve students.

As of August 2012 there were more than 550 September 2013 there were more than 725 November 2015 there were more than 1000 institutions using WeBWorK. The majority of the institutions using this homework system are located in the USA, but many are located in Canada and Mexico, as well as in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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A Gallery of Courses
Model and sample courses using WeBWorK Assignments
Intro video.png
Introduction to WeBWorK
An article and video summarizing many of the key features and benefits of WeBWorK.
WeBWorK Sites
Map of known WeBWorK Sites


A Community of Users
Forums, events, users, etc.
Getting started with WeBWorK
installation, etc.
Resources for teachers
Want to write some problems?
Contribute to WeBWorK
Join this open source community
Support pages for students using WeBWork


WeBWorK is partially supported by the DUE Division of NSF.