Modifying Contexts (advanced)

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Advanced Context Modifications

The Introduction to Contexts describes how to make basic modifications to a Context's variables, constants, strings, flags, functions, operators, and reduction rules. Here we will describe more advanced modifications and techniques involving the Context.

Number Formats

Real numbers are stored using a format that retains about 16 or 17 significant digits, making computations very accurate in most situations. When a number is displayed, you probably don't want to see all 17 digits (that would make a vector in three-space take up around 35 characters, for example). To make answers easier to read, MathObjects usually display only 6 significant digits. You can change the format used, however, to suit your needs. The format is determined by the Context()->{format}{number}, which is a printf-style string indicating how real numbers should be formatted for display.

The format always should begin with % and end with one of f, e, or g, possibly followed by #. Here, f means fixed-point notation (e.g. 452.116), e means exponential notation (e.g, 3.578E-5), and g means use the form most appropriate for the magnitude of the number. Between the % and the letter you can (optionally) include .n where n is the number of decimal digits to use for the number. If the format ends in #, then trailing zeros are removed after the number is formatted. (More sophisticated formats are possible, but this describes the basics.)

   Context()->{format}{number} = "%.2f";    # format numbers using 2-place decimals (e.g., for currency values).
   Context()->{format}{number} = "%.4f#";   # format numbers using 4-place decimals, but remove trailing zeros, if any.

The default format is "%g".

The Context also includes information about what should count as a number when an answer is parsed. There are two patterns for this, a signed number and an unsigned number. The latter is what is used in parsing numbers (and the sign is treated as unary minus); former is used in the Value::matchNumber() function. These are stored in the Context()->{pattern} hash; the default values are:

     Context()->{pattern}{number} = '(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:E[-+]?\d+)?';
     Context()->{pattern}{signedNumber} = '[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:E[-+]?\d+)?';

These are fairly complicated regular expressions that match the usual fixe-point and exponential notation for numbers in WeBWorK. It is possible to change these patterns to handle things like commas instead of decimals for European usage, or to allow commas every three digits. Note, however, that you would need to include a NumberCheck routine that would translate the special format into the required internal format. For example, this allows you to enter numbers as hexadecimal values:

   #  Numbers in hexadecimal
   Context()->{pattern}{number} = '[0-9A-F]+'; 
   Context()->{pattern}{signedNumber = '[-+]?[0-9A-F]+';
   Context()->flags->set(NumberCheck => sub {
     my $self = shift;                              # the Number object
     $self->{value} = hex($self->{value_string});   # convert hex to decimal via perl hex() function
     $self->{isOne} = ($self->{value} == 1);        # set marker indicating if the value is 1
     $self->{isZero} = ($self->{value} == 0);       # set marker indicating if the value is 0

Note that after changing the pattern you must call Context()->update to remake the tokenization patterns used by the Context.

Here is an example that lets you use commas in your numbers:

   # Allow commas every three digits in numbers
   Context()->{pattern}{number} = '(:?(:?\d{1,3}(:?\,\d{3})+|\d+)(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:E[-+]?\d+)?';
   Context()->{pattern}{signedNumber} = '[-+]?(:?(:?\d{1,3}(:?\,\d{3})+|\d+)(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:E[-+]?\d+)?';
   Context()->flags->set(NumberCheck => sub {
     my $self = shift;                              # the Number object
     my $value = $self->{value_string};             # the original string
     $value =~ s/,//g;                              # remove commas
     $self->{value} = $value + 0;                   # make sure it is converted to a number
     $self->{isOne} = ($self->{value} == 1);        # set marker indicating if the value is 1
     $self->{isZero} = ($self->{value} == 0);       # set marker indicating if the value is 0

If you want to make the numbers display with commas, then you will need to subclass the Value::Real object and override the string() and TeX() methods to insert the commas again, and then tie your new class into the Context()->{value}{Real} value. For example, in addition to the changes above, you might do

   #  Subclass the Value::Real class and override its string() and TeX()
   #  methods to insert commas back into the output
   package my::Real;
   our @ISA = ('Value::Real');    # subclass of this Value::Real
   sub string {
     my $self = shift; my $x = $self->SUPER::string(@_);  # get the original string output
     my ($n,@rest) = split(/([.E])/,$x,1);                # break it into the integer part and the rest
     while ($n =~ m/[0-9]{4}(,|$)/)                       # add commas as needed
       {$n =~ s/([0-9])([0-9]{3})(,|$)/$1,$2$3/}
     return join("",$n,@rest);                            # return the final string
   sub TeX {
     my $self = shift;
     my $n = $self->SUPER::TeX(@_);     # original TeX uses string(), so commas are already there
     $n =~ s/,/{,}/g;                   # just make sure they have the correct spacing
     return $n;
   package main;    # end of package my::Real;
   Context()->{value}{Real} = "my::Real";    # make the Context use my::Real rather then Value::Real
   Context()->{format}{number} = "%f#";      # format using "f" rather than "g", so no exponential notation

This could be put into a separate macro file that you could load into your problems whenever it is needed. See Creating Custom Contexts for details.

Lists and Delimiters

The Context object contains two more collections of data that were not mentioned in the Introduction to Contexts: the lists and parens objects. These are closely related, and determine what types of objects are created from various delimiters like braces and brackets. For example, in some contexts parentheses form Points, while in others they form Intervals or Lists. This it controlled by the settings in these two objects.

The lists object contains the definitions for the various types of list-like objects such as Points, Vectors, and Intervals. Each of the types of list has an entry that tells the parser what class implements the list, and specifies the open and close delimiters and the separators that will be used by default to display an instance of the class. A special case is AbsoluteValue, which is treated as a list since it has open and close delimiters, even though the list can only contain one element.

List Open Close Separator
Point ( ) ,
Vector < > ,
Matrix [ ] ,
List ,
Interval ( ) ,
Set { } ,
Union U
AbsoluteValue | |

This delimiters listed in this table are used when the object doesn't specify the delimiters explicitly via its {open} and {close} properties. This is usually the case when objects are created via the class constructors rather than parsing a string. For example, Vector(4,0,-1) would not have its {open} and {close} properties set, so would use the defaults in the lists object. Note that the Interval object has parentheses as its default delimiters, but the Interval() constructor will set the open and close properties automatically so that you can form open and closed intervals easily:

   $I1 = Interval(1,2);          # an open interval
   $I2 = Interval([1,2]);        # a closed interval
   $I3 = Interval("(",1,2,"]");  # a half-open interval

It is also possible to put the delimiters at the end of the interval (which is how the Interval's value() method returns them): Interval(0,1,"(","]").

On the other hand, instances of these objects created by parsing a string usually save the open and closing delimiters in the object's {open} and {close} properties, so the default will not be used in those cases. E.g., $v = Compute("<4,0,-1>") would produce a Vector object with the $v->{open} = "<" and $v->{close} = ">".

To change the list settings, use the set() method, as usual:

   Context()->lists->set(Vector => {open => "(", close => ")"};

Note that this only affects the case where the Vector object doesn't specify the open and close delimiters explicitly. It also doesn't change the delimiters that the parser uses to identify a vector, since the list values are only for output.

To change what delimiter to use for a given object type, you need to change the parens object. This associates each open delimiter to one of the list types given above, and also gives the close delimiter that is needed to match it, and some other data about how it can be used. So to complete the change for Vectors, we would need to use

   Context()->parens->set("(" => {type => "Vector", close => ")"});

The other possible data for a paren object includes:

Name Description
type=>"name" Specifies the list type that this open delimiter will genarate.
close=>"c" The closing delimiter for this opening one.
removable=>1 or 0 Do/don't remove delimiters when used around a single element. When 1, don't create a list, just return the element.
formInterval=>"c" When present, this indicates that an Interval should be formed when the list is closed by the character c rather than the usual close character.
emptyOK=>1 or 0 Do/don't allow empty delimiters. When 0 there must be at least one element between the open and close delimiters.

More about Variables

More about Constants

The list of predefined constants is e, pi, i, j, k. The constant i denotes sqrt(-1) in Context("Complex"), denotes the vector <1,0> in Context("Vector2D"), and denotes the vector <1,0,0> in Context("Vector"), Context("Matrix"), and Context("Point"). The constant i is undefined outside of those contexts. The constants j and k are <0,1,0> and <0,0,1>, respectively, in Context("Vector") and Context("Matrix"). The constant j is <0,1> in Context("Vector2D"), and k is undefined there. The constants i, j and k are undefined outside of the contexts described above.

Context()->constants->set(i => {TeX=>'\boldsymbol{i}', perl=>'i'});
Context()->constants->set(R => {TeX => '{\bf R}'});

Adding New Functions

Adding New Operators

Error Messages

Course-Wide Customization

See also