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This code is from Davide Cervone (4/25/10). See the discussion [[http://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=6416 simplifying radical expressions]] for more information.
This code is from Davide Cervone (4/25/10). See the discussion [http://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=6416 simplifying radical expressions] for more information.

Revision as of 17:15, 25 April 2010

Your title here: PG Code Snippet

This PG code shows how to check student answers that are equations. Note that this is an insertion, not a complete PG file. This code will have to be incorporated into the problem file on which you are working.

Problem Techniques Index

PG problem file Explanation



Initialization: We need to include the macros file contextLimitedPowers.pl.

# Subclass the numeric functions
package my::Function::numeric;
our @ISA = ('Parser::Function::numeric');

# Override sqrt() to return a special value (usually 1) when evaluated
# effectively eliminating it from the product.
sub sqrt {
  my $self = shift;
  my $value = $self->context->flag("setSqrt");
  return $value+1 if $value && $_[0] == 1; # force sqrt(1) to be incorrect
  return $value if $value;
  return $self->SUPER::sqrt(@_);

# end of subclass
package main;


x => ["Real", limits => [0,2]],    # only needed if x is used in the square roots
# make sqrt() use our subclass
# Don't allow fractional powers (avoids 1/2 power)
# [Could subclass exponentiation to handle that as well]

$expr = "\sqrt{12 x^2}";

$f = Compute("x*sqrt(6)");

Setup: This code is from Davide Cervone (4/25/10). See the discussion simplifying radical expressions for more information.

Simplify \( $expr \) assuming that \( x \geq 0 \).
Do not enter fractional exponents.
\( $expr \) = \{ans_rule(20)\}

Main Text: The problem text section of the file is as we'd expect.

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;

ANS( $f-> cmp( checker => sub {
  my ($correct,$student,$ans) = @_;
  return 0 if $ans->{isPreview} || $correct != $student;
  #  Get parsed formula for student and correct answers
  $student = $ans->{student_formula};
  $correct = $correct->{original_formula} if defined $correct->{original_formula};
  # check if equal when sqrt's are replaced by 1
  Context()->flags->set(setSqrt => 1);
  delete $correct->{test_values}, $student->{test_values};
  my $OK = ($correct == $student);
  Context()->flags->set(setSqrt => 0);
  Value::Error("Check to see if your answer is simplified.") unless $OK;
  return $OK;
  }, formatStudentAnswer=>"reduced"


Answer Evaluation: Use a custom checker to check that the answers are equivalent and that they are still equivalent when sqrt() is replaced by 1 (so the stuff outside the sqrt() is equal in both).

Problem Techniques Index