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# main
# main
sub main {
sub main {
my @argv = @_;
my @argv = @_;

Revision as of 10:12, 7 February 2014

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# wwScoreGetter: get a table of score data for the appropriate WeBWorK
#    sets.  this is really a component of the ExamData system, but we
#    want to use WeBWorK calls rather than going into the WeBWorK 
#    database manually, and so have a Perl script to get the data to 
#    return to the ExamData system.
# the call is
#    wwScoreGetter [-c|-f filename] courseNum term [sectionNum]
# the sets that get scored and returned are all those assigned to a 
# randomly chosen student in the course.  if -c is specified, the scoring
# file is written to the scoring directory in the course; if -f filename 
# it is written to the indicated filename; otherwise, it is written to
# we assume that courses all have names in the form
#    maXXX-XXX-XXX, e.g., ma115-001-f07, for math 105, 115, and 116, and
#    maXXX-XXX, e.g., ma215-f07, for math 215 and 216
# the data for the scored sets are returned as a data stream with lines
#    NO OF FIELDS ,         ,          ,           ,        ,           \
#                ,          ,          ,          ,        ,            \
#                ,        ,
#    SET NAME     ,         ,          ,           ,        ,           \
#                ,Chap1Sec1 ,Chap1Sec2 ,Chap1Sec3 ,Chap1Sec4 ,ProcEntrGW \
#                ,summary , %score
#    DUE DATE     ,         ,          ,           ,        ,           \
#                ,          ,          ,          ,        ,            \
#                ,        ,
#    PROB VALUE   ,         ,          ,           ,        ,           \
#                ,8         ,6         ,7         ,8         ,7       \
#                ,36.0    ,100.0  
#               ,total      ,total     ,total     ,total     ,total   \
#               ,         ,
#    01234567     ,glarose  ,Administrator ,An     ,001     ,001        \
#               ,0.5        ,0.0       ,0.0       ,8.0       ,3.0     \
#               ,11.5     ,31.9
# these are lines (counting from 0) 1, 6, and 7- generated from the calls
# to routines in the Scoring.pm ContentGenerator.
my $version = '1.3';
my $lastmod = '7 Feb 2014';
#  (c)2014 Regents of the University of Michigan
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# setup variables, run script

select STDERR; $|=1;
select STDOUT; $|=1;

my $wwHome = '/var/www/webwork/webwork2';
my $wwCourseDir = "$wwHome/courses";

my $usage = 'wwScoreGetter [-c|-f filename] courseNum term [sectionNum]';

# set environment variables to allow use of WeBWorK scripts
#    to get these set correctly will probably require running this from
#    a wrapper

use lib '/var/www/webwork/pg/lib';
use lib '/var/www/webwork/webwork2/lib';
use WeBWorK::PG::ImageGenerator;
use WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment;
use WeBWorK::DB;
use WeBWorK::ContentGenerator;
use WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::Instructor;
use WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::Instructor::Scoring;

use lib '/home/glarose/IFS-Home/Private/mich/projrepo/examdata/bin';
use setLists;

## manually define those sets that we want to score; this becomes
##    necessary because we drop the early sets in the semester
my %scoreSets = %setLists::scoreSetsCurrent;

# run script
main( @ARGV );

# suppress residual errors (why is this necessary?)
open( DN, ">/dev/null" );

exit 0;

# main

sub main {
    my @argv = @_;
    my ( $cNum, $term, $sNum );

    my $writeOutput = 0;
    my $outputFile  = 0;
    my @rest = ();
    foreach ( @argv ) {

if ( $outputFile eq '-1' ) { $outputFile = $_; next; } if ( /^-c$/ ) { $writeOutput = 1; } elsif ( /^-f(.+)$/ ) { $outputFile = $1; } elsif ( /^-f$/ ) { $outputFile = -1; } elsif ( /^--/ || $_ !~ /^-/ || @rest ) { push( @rest, $_ ); }

    if ( @rest >= 2 ) {

$cNum = $rest[0]; $term = lc($rest[1]); if ( @rest == 3 ) { $sNum = $rest[2]; } else { $sNum = ; }

    } else {

die("missing required input variables; $usage\n");


    my $courseName;
    if ( $cNum =~ /^1../ ) {

if ( ! $sNum ) { die("missing required section number for course $cNum\n"); } $courseName = "ma$cNum-$sNum-$term";

    } else {

$courseName = "ma$cNum-$term";


    # get a webwork database object
    my $ce = WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment->new( { webwork_dir => $wwHome,

courseName => $courseName } );

    my $db = WeBWorK::DB->new( $ce->{dbLayout} );

    # get a list of user objects
    my @dbUserList = $db->listUsers;
    my @users = $db->getUsers( @dbUserList );
    # we need to know permissions to see if the users are students or not
    my @perms = ( $db->getPermissionLevels( @dbUserList ) );
    my %perms = map { $_->user_id => $_->permission() } @perms;

    # and sort them by userID
    my %usersById = ();
    foreach my $user ( @users ) { 

next unless $user; $usersById{ $user->user_id } = $user;

    my @sortedIDs = sort { 

lc($usersById{$a}->last_name) cmp lc($usersById{$b}->last_name) || lc($usersById{$a}->first_name) cmp lc($usersById{$b}->first_name) || lc($usersById{$a}->user_id) cmp lc($usersById{$b}->user_id) } keys %usersById;

    # we also need a list of the sets for which we want data
    my @setIDs = ();

    # if we already have a list of sets to score, we use that list
    if ( @{$scoreSets{$cNum}} ) {

@setIDs = @{$scoreSets{$cNum}};

    } else {

# otherwise, get a sample user, trying to avoid instructors, and # use the sets that are assigned to that user my $sampleUser = $users[0]; my $userIndex = 0; my $samplePerm = $db->getPermissionLevel( $sampleUser->user_id ); while ( $samplePerm->permission > 0 && $userIndex < @users-1 ) { $userIndex++; $sampleUser = $users[$userIndex]; $samplePerm = $db->getPermissionLevel( $sampleUser->user_id ); }

@setIDs = $db->listUserSets( $sampleUser->user_id );


    # drop gateway sets
    @setIDs = grep { $_ !~ /GW/ } @setIDs;

    # then we want to call a bunch of methods from the Scoring module, but
    #    of course we don't have the created object.  so build a fake such
    #    object to use
    my $fr = new FakeRequest();
    $fr->db( $db );
    $fr->ce( $ce );
    my $scoringCG = WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::Instructor::Scoring->new( $fr );
    # make sure that padFields is set
    $scoringCG->{padFields} = 1;

    my @data = $scoringCG->scoreSet( $setIDs[0], "info", undef, \%usersById,

\@sortedIDs );

    foreach my $setID ( @setIDs ) {

next unless defined $setID; my @totals = $scoringCG->scoreSet( $setID, "totals", 0, \%usersById, \@sortedIDs ); $scoringCG->appendColumns( \@data, \@totals );

    my @sumScores = $scoringCG->sumScores(\@data, 0, \%usersById, \@sortedIDs);
    $scoringCG->appendColumns( \@data, \@sumScores );

    # now @data is an array of the scoring data, with element in the
    #    array being one line in standard WeBWorK output.  the following
    #    (not surprisingly) rely on this format

    if ( $writeOutput ) {

my $scoringDir = "$wwCourseDir/$courseName/scoring"; my $scoringFileName = "${courseName}_totals.csv"; $scoringCG->writeCSV("$scoringDir/$scoringFileName", @data);

    } elsif ( $outputFile ) {

my $scoringDir = "."; my $scoringFileName = "$outputFile"; $scoringCG->writeCSV("$scoringDir/$scoringFileName", @data);

    } else {

# otherwise, send the data to STDOUT

my @outputLines = (); my $i = 0; foreach my $line ( @data ) { $i++; # next if ( ! ( $i-1 > 6 || $i-1 == 1 || $i-1 == 6 ) ); print join(",", map { $scoringCG->quote($_) } @$line ), "\n"; }


    return 1;

# end main
# fake packages

package FakeRequest;
sub new {
    my $class = shift();
    my $authz = new FakeAuthz;
    return( bless( { ce => , db => , authz => $authz }, $class ) );
sub ce {
    my $self = shift();
    $self->{ce} = shift() if ( @_ );
    return $self->{ce};
sub db {
    my $self = shift();
    $self->{db} = shift() if ( @_ );
    return $self->{db};
sub authz {
    my $self = shift();
    $self->{authz} = shift() if ( @_ );
    return $self->{authz};

package FakeAuthz;
sub new { 
    my $class = shift();
    return( bless( { }, $class ) );
sub hasPermissions {
    return 1;

# end subroutines
# end script