These courses provide forums for use by the instructors and developers of the WeBWorK community.
If you are new to WeBWorK start here. This course contains forums and other resources on:
  • getting started with WeBWorK,
  • designing a WeBWorK course,
  • and the day to day management of a WeBWorK course.
The information that most instructors will need while using WeBWorK is in this course, including information on writing your own homework problems.
Resources for improving the accessibility of WeBWorK
Information, documents, and discussion about assessing WeBWorK.
Copied from the miniMac version of the AIM WeBWorK site
This site is a place for users and administrators to collaborate and exchange expertise about the WeBWorK system. Anyone can read and search existing discussions, but to post a question or comment you must register. To do so, click the login link in the upper right corner. The registration process takes only a few minutes.
Resources and support for WeBWorK consultants.
temporary course