A colleague of mine is attempting to use some of the problem sets for
statistics. When attempting to use the problem
a pink warning page occurs - I have included some of it at the end of
this message. The warning occurs as a result of the function
normal_prob being called that is in the PGstatisticsmacros.pl macro.
This problem also seems to be occuring in several other problems in the
setProbability11CentralLimitTh and setProbability10NormalDist
directories. We are still using an earlier version of WeBWorK (v. 1.8)
and it is possible this problem might have already been addressed.
Thank you very much for your help and time.
Neil Sigmon
Compiler warnings:
* Odd number of elements in hash assignment at (eval 135) line 446.
##More details:
-------- PG_priv::romberg called at (eval 138) line 64
---- PG_priv::normal_prob called at (eval 54) line 27
---- PG_priv::__ANON__ called at /home/webwork2/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/Safe.pm line 222
---- Safe::reval called at /home/webwork2/webwork/system/lib//PGtranslator.pm line 714
---- PGtranslator::translate called at /home/webwork2/webwork/system/cgi/cgi-scripts/processProblem8.pl line 441
* This option |8| is not recognized in this subroutine
HASH(0xb5b37c) 8 =>
at (eval 132) line 3674.
##More details:
-------- PG_priv::set_default_options called at (eval 135) line 447
---- PG_priv::romberg called at (eval 138) line 64
---- PG_priv::normal_prob called at (eval 54) line 27
---- PG_priv::__ANON__ called at /home/webwork2/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/Safe.pm line 222
---- Safe::reval called at /home/webwork2/webwork/system/lib//PGtranslator.pm line 714
---- PGtranslator::translate called at /home/webwork2/webwork/system/cgi/cgi-scripts/processProblem8.pl line 441
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