topic started 6/26/2003; 9:49:27 AM last post 6/26/2003; 9:49:27 AM |
6/26/2003; 9:49:27 AM (reads: 1265, responses: 0) |
Hello, WeBWorKers. I'm running WeBWorK 1.8 on Red Hat Linux 9. I use Christopher Negus's book "Red Hat Linux 9 Bible," and ran into a problem adding Java support as shown by Negus on page 305 of his book. The problem surfaces when using "Preview Answers" in WeBWorK. After following Negus's instructions to add Java support, it seems that Mozilla shuts down abruptly (with no error message given) whenever Java is invoked. (The problem is external to WeBWorK.) After downloading the Java 2 Runtime Environment you need to create a link (ln -s) from the java plug-in to the Mozilla plug-ins directory, just as Negus states in Step 4 on page 305. The problem is that the cp command shown in Step 4 does not seem to work. I got around the problem by using the following command: ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_03/plugin/i386/ns610/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ The "j2re1.4.1_03" part of the path name arose because the Java 2 Runtime Environment package available to me at Sun was j2re-1_4_03-linux-i586-rpm.bin. You might need to use something different if you download some other version. Regards, Richard |