Notes on creating a new mysql course
June 26, 2003
This assumes that mysql is already set up along with WeBWorK2.0 and that they are talking to each other.
addition this a record of what I'm doing (minus some mistakes and
backtracks) and as such is only a rough guide to how things will work
on another machine. This is definitely not a tutorial
- Create a course directory where ever courses are stored
- mkdir /webwork/shared-courses/daemon_course
- Create html, template and tmp directories
- cd daemon_course
- mkdir html
- chmod 755 html
- mkdir templates
- chmod 775 templates (webserver must create directories in templates
- cd html (tmp directory goes inside html)
- mkdir tmp
- chmod 777 tmp
- Grab
a copy of course.conf.dist and make a local copy (I had to grab the
copy from rochester_problib -- we'll put one in conf eventually.)
- cp ??/conf/course.conf.dist course.conf
- Make a direct link to the daemon_course/html directory
- from shared-course-links type
- ln -s ../shared-courses/daemon_course/html daemon_course
- Test the course
- Should get an error message
- error instantiating DB schema WeBWorK::DB::Schema::SQL for table problem: etc. etc.
- Create a table in the mysql database
- from webwork-modperl/doc/devel directory
- Create a copy of new-DB-sql with !!COURSENAME!! replaced by your couse name (e.g. daemon_course)
- cat new-DB-sql | sed 's/!!COURSENAME!!/daemon_course/' ( this will be piped to the terminal so you can check the result)
- cat new-DB-sql | sed 's/!!COURSENAME!!/daemon_course/' | sudo -H mysql (puts the table in the database
- Test the data base
- sudo -H mysql
- show databases;
- webwork_daemon_course is listed
- use webwork_daemon_course;
+---------------------------------+ | Tables_in_webwork_daemon_course | +---------------------------------+ | key_not_a_keyword | | password | | permission | | problem | | problem_user | | set_not_a_keyword | | set_user | | user | +---------------------------------+
- Create a user (yourself) for this course
- wwdb daemon_course addUser '{user_id="gage" last_name="Gage" first_name="Michael" }'
- Create a password
- suppose
the password you want to use is "foobar" (without the quotes). You
first need to create an encrypted version of this password. Use the
following command
- perl -e 'print crypt( "foobar", "a5"), "\n";'
- which calls on perl to encrypt your password. The two letter salt (a5) can be any two alphanumeric characters
- the response will be something like : a5l15e5d4wxj.
- wwdb daemon_course addPassword '{user_id="gage" password="a5l15e5d4wxj." }'
- Set professor level permissions
- wwdb daemon_course addPermissionLevel '{user_id="gage" permission="10" }'
- If you make a mistake use 'put' instead of 'add' to change one of these values
- Now try to login in to the course again
- You should be able to enter your user ID and password, but there will of course not be any sets built.
- Build the 0 set
- Click on instructor on the left hand side
- Click on "problem sets" in the main page
- fill in new set name as 'set0" and click create
- Click on "set0" in the list of created sets
- Set due date time and answer date time far in the future
- Click on "save set"
- click on "edit problems for set"
- Choose set0 from the list and click open/add
- Choose
problems (other than CVS, paperHeader, and screenHeader) using shift
select and drag -- then click on open/add. Note this won't work for
prob4 which is a directory containing additional files. You will have
to add it separately.
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