Hi Tom,
With the exception of hardcopy output and Latex2HTML which runs the
entire document through TeX (part of why it's so slow and resource
intensive) only formulas (items inside \( \) and \[ \] )are run through
the tex engine. What you are using
below is a copy of the "hardcopyHeader" which would work fine on
hardcopy output, but won't work on HTML output to the screen. (It's
quite possible that it got mislabeled as screenHeader somewhere along
the way.)
I like to change the headers of problem sets quite a bit, personalizing
each header to the current class, explaining how
the problem sets relate to what I'm doing in class, etc. etc. and
keeping two headers in sync with each other (one for hardcopy and one
for the HTML output) became a chore I didn't want to deal with. My
solution was to devise the template
below, which will render in either hardcopy or on the screen and the
stuff I change will render both ways without having to be rewritten.
You might like to use this template or modify it to suit your own needs.
loadMacros( "PG.pl", "PGbasicmacros.pl", "PGchoicemacros.pl", "PGanswermacros.pl" );
TEXT(MODES(TeX =>EV3(<<'EOT'),HTML=>"",Latex2HTML=>"")); \noindent {\large \bf $studentName} \hfill \noindent {\large \bf MTH 143 $sectionNumber Spring 2003} \par
$BBOLD WeBWorK assignment number $setNumber is due : $formattedDueDate. $EBOLD
$PAR (This is early Friday morning, so it needs to be done THURSDAY night!) Remember to get this done early! $PAR The \{ htmlLink(qq!http://www.math.rochester.edu/courses/143/home/!,"home page") \} for the course contains the syllabus, grading policy, and other information. $PAR END_TEXT
################## # EDIT BELOW HERE ################## BEGIN_TEXT $PAR
This has material on separable differential equations, mainly from section 9.3
$PAR END_TEXT ################## # EDIT ABOVE HERE ################## BEGIN_TEXT The primary purpose of WeBWorK is to let you know that you are getting the correct answer or to alert you if you are making some kind of mistake. Usually you can attempt a problem as many times as you want before the due date. However, if you are having trouble figuring out your error, you should consult the book, or ask a fellow student, one of the TA's or your professor for help. Don't spend a lot of time guessing -- it's not very efficient or effective. $PAR Give 4 or 5 significant digits for (floating point) numerical answers. For most problems when entering numerical answers, you can if you wish enter elementary expressions such as \( 2\wedge3 \) instead of 8, \( sin(3*pi/2) \)instead of -1, \( e\wedge (ln(2)) \) instead of 2, \( (2+tan(3))*(4-sin(5))\wedge6-7/8 \) instead of 27620.3413, etc. Here's the \{ htmlLink(qq!http://webwork.math.rochester.edu/docs/docs/pglanguage/availableFunctions.html!,"list of the functions") \} which WeBWorK understands. $PAR You can use the Feedback button on each problem page to send e-mail to the professors.
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