am trying to get the questionnaire set up and working and am running
into mail problems. I think I've narrowed it down to an
"ALLOW_MAIL_TO" problem.
In my answer file, I have the following command:
mail_answers_to2('blake@math.wustl.edu', "$courseName Course Evaluation");
In my debugging attempts, I added the following line:
Finally, I should note that in my webworkCourse.ph file, I have the line:
$PG_environment{'ALLOW_MAIL_TO'} = 'blake@math.wustl.edu';
The problem is that when I run the script (by submitting the answer), I get the following error:
-------------------------------------------------------- There has been an error in creating this problem. Please notify your instructor.
Mail is not permitted to address blake@math.wustl.edu. Permitted addresses are specified in the courseWeBWorK.ph file. -----------------------------------------------------------
Seems bizarre to me. Somehow it is either not reading the
webworkCourse.ph file or else ignoring it. Any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated!
Thanks! Blake
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