topic started 6/11/2004; 8:24:30 AM last post 6/11/2004; 8:52:11 AM |
6/11/2004; 8:52:11 AM (reads: 1040, responses: 0) |
I'll comment on the "published" results. In the version in the CVS as of today: A set can be built without being assigned to anyone. (If you use GDBM, the set is technically defined to "global_user" to mimic the behavior of an sql database -- but that doesn't count :-) ). In order for a student to see a set on the assignment page, (1) the set must be assigned to a student, (2) the set must be visible. In order to do the set, the time must be between the open and due dates. The "visible" attribute is now assigned to be true automatically. If a set is made "invisible" then the set cannot be seen by students, but all of the assignments (e.g. choice of seeds for the problems) are preserved. As an instructor you can inspect these problems to make sure they are working alright. You can temporarily make a set invisible and then make it visible again without changing any parameters. If you were to unassign a set from a student and then reassign it, all of the parameters would change. This "visible/invisible" feature has gone through several changes (it was originally called "published/unpublished") and depending on your version the default might be either visible or invisible. The current default (June 11) is that everything is automatically visible unless you explicitly specify that it is not. This way you can completely ignore the feature if you wish. As to ordering the sets -- I'll let Robert Van Dam handle that discussion. An important question is what would be the most desirable user interface for allowing the instructor to specify the order? -- Mike |