Glad to see you found a workaround. Am I to understand that AliasMatch
fails anywhere in your Apache configuration, not just in a <Perl>
section in webwork.apache-config?
Can you give me an example of an AliasMatch directive that fails in
httpd.conf? Remember that dollar-signs have to be escaped with a
backslash on this discussion board.
In fact, escaping of dollar signs could be tripping you up. Inside a
double-quoted string in a <Perl> section in
webwork.apache-config, the AliasMatch directive should look like this: AliasMatch $webwork_courses_url/([^/]*)/(.*) $webwork_courses_dir/\$1/html/\$2
Each dollar-sign should be escaped with one backslash. (On this discussion board, I type two backslashes, and it displays one.)
But outside of a double-quoted string and outside of a <Perl>
section, in httpd.conf, the AliasMatch directive should look like this: AliasMatch /webwork2_course_files/([^/]*)/(.*) /opt/webwork2/courses/$1/html/$2
That is, the dollar-signs are not escaped with any backslashes. (On
this discussion board, I type one backslash, and it displays zero.)
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