Forum archive 2000-2006

Nandor Sieben - sql query for due dates

Nandor Sieben - sql query for due dates

by Arnold Pizer -
Number of replies: 0
inactiveTopicsql query for due dates topic started 9/14/2005; 1:13:55 PM
last post 9/15/2005; 8:11:44 PM
userNandor Sieben - sql query for due dates  blueArrow
9/14/2005; 1:13:55 PM (reads: 527, responses: 2)
Having several classes using webwork makes it a hard job to post correct due dates on the course websites. It would be nice to just link to a web site containing due dates for a class. These due date web sites could be generated automatically by a cron job doing an sql query. I can probably write this script but I need help with the sql commands needed to get the due dates from the data base. Could someone help me with this?


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userJohn Jones - Re: sql query for due dates  blueArrow
9/14/2005; 5:48:37 PM (reads: 652, responses: 0)
Hi Nandor,

Assuming sql_single for the database type, and course name Jones_MAT_170_Fall_2005_set, and set name Section_1.4 one can use


echo 'select due_date from Jones_MAT_170_Fall_2005_set where set_id="Section_1.4";'
| mysql -uwebworkRead -pThePassword -Dwebwork
I broke it over two lines to avoid an incredibly long line.

The command above produced for me

so you just have to discard the first line and then convert the time.


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userNandor Sieben - Re: sql query for due dates  blueArrow
9/15/2005; 8:11:44 PM (reads: 621, responses: 0)
Here is a script that prints all due dates that are in the future.


# Duedates # Prints due dates # Author: Nandor Sieben

$password = 'write your password here';

sub mysql { my ($sql) = @_; # print "$sql"; qx[mysql -s -u root -p$password webwork << EOF $sql EOF ]; }

@tables= mysql(q[show tables like '%_set';]);


foreach $table (@tables) { chop $table; @rows=mysql(qq[select set_id, due_date from $table]); foreach $row (@rows) { $table =~s /.setZ//; if ( $row =~ /(S+)s+(S+)/) { $set=$1; $stamp=$2; if ($stamp < $ctime) { next; } $lt=localtime($stamp); print "$table \t $lt \t $set \n"; } } }

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