topic started 1/8/2006; 3:15:37 PM last post 1/8/2006; 3:15:37 PM |
1/8/2006; 3:15:37 PM (reads: 894, responses: 0) |
for the questions, Christelle. If it's ok with you I'll post the
questions and their answers on the discussion group as well. I'm sure
others run into these questions.
On Jan 3, 2006, at 8:08 PM, Christelle Scharff wrote:
I have some beginner questions. I didn't find the answers on the web.
When adding a new problem what does "Make this the set header for" mean? The set header is the text that appears on the "home page" of the set -- along the right hand side of the page which contains all of the problem numbers. Typically it has some reminder of when the homework set is due, perhaps which section of the book the problems come from and so forth. It is written as a normal PG problem, but it is handled somewhat differently in presentation. Effectively making a problem the "set header" makes it problem 0 so that it appears on the homepage. It is also possible to write two files, one which is processed when handling screen output and a second (hardcopy set header) which is processed when creating hardcopy output. I personally prefer to combine these two files into one. What are the possible values for the attempts of a problem? (unlimited is once. Are there other except a number?) Unlimited (or 0 ) means there is no limiitation on the number of attempts allowed 5 means that a maximum of 5 attempts are allowed on that problem. Is "Mark correct?" for (manually) verified problems? It can be used for that, although it is not that convenient. (We don't yet have a module dedicated to hand grading problems -- it's on my wish list also. ) Mostly the "mark correct" checkbox is used to give full credit to all students if a problem was inappropriate for some reason (we didn't get to it in lecture, it was in the set by mistake, or for some reason the computer wasn't grading the problem correctly, etc., etc.) One could accomplish the same thing by changing the weight of the problem to 0, but psychologically students prefer being given credit for the problem. You can also mark correct an individual student's problem if there is a reason to do that. Hope this helps.
-- Mike |