The second error is because (despite the documentation) the classList editor complains if the student's status is blank.
A workaround:
- select a couple of students and press "edit selected students"
- you don't need to do any editing, just save the results
- the blanks will be updated with "C" for current(ly enrolled)
If this works for a couple of students select the rest of them and
perform the same procedure. For now use "C" in the .lst files
for current status rather than blank.
For the first problem, I assume that you uploaded explicit passwords.
I can't find where this feature is documented at the moment (the
feature has been there for sometime, but hidden) Unfortunately the
documentation is probably not complete. Here is a note from Sam on the
I'm not sure this is documented anywhere, but the password field in
a classlist file is the HASHED password, not the cleartext password. If
you export some users to a classlist file you'll see what I mean.
To calculate hashes for cleartext passwords, you can use the following perl one-liner:
perl -ne 'print crypt($_,join("",(".","/",0..9,"A".."Z","a".."z")[rand 64,rand 64])),"\n"'
It takes cleartext passwords as input, and outputs the corresponding hashes.
Hope this helps. If anyone can point me to the documentation on uploading explicit passwords I'll update it.
-- Mike
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