This is a good place to post questions like this.
When you suspect there is just a mistake in the problem (as in your
case) you can also report the bug directly to our bug database bugzilla.
To do this. While looking at the student's version of the problem,
click "edit this problem" and then on the editor page click "report
problem bugs" (a link to the upper right of the problem code textarea
The first time you do this you will have to "signup", which involves
sending in your email so that bugzilla can email you the results of the
bug fix. Bugzilla will email you a password which you should then
change to something you can remember. After that signin is automatic if
you stay on the same machine (bugzilla leaves a cookie) or just a
matter of entering your email and password.
In any case clicking on the "report problem bugs" link automatically
posts the address of the problem in the library and the seed being
used. You can add any further comments. Someone will take care of
fixing the bug fairly quickly.
As to short term fixes when a student has found a bug in a problem.
You can.
(1) Change his seed -- this is done from the homework set editor by
clicking in the "edit assigned users" column and then clicking on the
link to "edit data for ..." the individual student. You will see an
entry for the seed for each problem. If the error in the problem very
rarely occurs then this can work pretty well.
(2) Give the student credit for the problem. This is done by proceeding
as above, but when you get to the student's data instead of changing
the seed for the problem, change the "status" from 0 to 1.
(3) If the problem is causing troubles for everyone you can set
everyone's status to 1 by going to the homework set editor; clicking in
the "edit problem" column and changing the status in for the problem to
1 -- this page edits information for all student versions of the
problem, so setting the status equal to 1 will set it to 1 for everyone.
-- Mike
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