has a GreatestCommonDivisor (gcd = gcf) function.
I suggest adding an extended version
( d , x , y ) = xgcd( a , b )
where gcd(a,b) = d = a x + b y
David Joyner has a concise discussion at
and a Wikipedia article provides more detail
Here is a Perl example
( d , x , y , s , t ) = xgcd( a , b)
where gcd(a,b) = d = a (x + s k) + b (y + t k) for any integer k
I inserted two lines in definition of xgcd to provide clues for a proof of correctness (hint: Joyner's node13 provides a proof which is easily adapted). I also made a policy choice to not require inputs to be positive, but I did not trap (a,b)=(0,0) as an error. (I will also attach the file to this message.)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#### xgcd.plx extended Euclidean algorithm Dick Lane, 2010-06-25
#### gcd(a,b) = a (x + s k) + b (y + t k)
#### Note: (a,b)=(0,0) is not trapped for special handling.
sub xgcd ($$) {
my ($a, $x, $y) = ( int(shift) , 1 , 0 ) ;
my ($b, $s, $t) = ( int(shift) , 0 , 1 ) ;
my ($A,$B) = ($a,$b) ;
while ( $b != 0 ) {
my $q = int( $a / $b ) ;
($a, $x, $y, $b, $s, $t) = ($b, $s, $t, $a-$q*$b, $x-$q*$s, $y-$q*$t);
print "$a = $A*$x + $B*$y and $b = $A*$s + $B*$t\n" ;
if ($a < 0) {
return ( -$a, -$x, -$y, $s, $t ) ; }
else {
return ( $a, $x, $y, $s, $t ) ;
#### prompt for two inputs, compute, summarize result
print "A = " ; $A = <STDIN> ; $A = int($A) ;
print "B = " ; $B = <STDIN> ; $B = int($B) ;
@W = xgcd( $A , $B ) ;
print "gcd($A,$B) = $W[0] = $A * ($W[1] + $W[3]*k) + $B * ($W[2] + $W[4]*k)\n";
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extended Euclidean algorithm
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