DOCUMENT();loadMacros("","",);TEXT(beginproblem());$popup1 = "symmetric about the origin";$popup2 = "symmetric about the y-axis";$popup3 = "both of the above";$popup4 = "none of the above";$popupQ = "The graph of \( y = \sin(x) \) is ";$popup = PopUp(["[select one]", $popup1, $popup2, $popup3, $popup4], $popup1);BEGIN_TEXT$popupQ\{ $popup->menu() \}END_TEXTANS( $popup->cmp() );Context()->texStrings;SOLUTION(EV3(<<'END_SOLUTION'));$PAR SOLUTION $PARThe correct answer is \{ $popup->correct_ans() \}.END_SOLUTIONContext()->normalStrings;ENDDOCUMENT();
The question is that the answer is not printed correctly in the Correct column, it prints as "symmetricabouttheorigin" instead of "symmetric about the origin" with all the spaces having been removed.
Could anyone give me some idea about how to fix it? This happens under webwork 2.7 and PG 2.7. We did not meet this problem in an older version (like webwork 2.5).