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A thank you from someone using WebWorK

A thank you from someone using WebWorK

by Arnold Pizer -
Number of replies: 0
Dear Robin Cruz, Paul Person, Adam Spiegler, Arnie Pizer, Shafiu Jibrin, Monika Keindl, and Justin Sukiennik,

My name is aBa Mbirika.  I am a newly hired assistant professor at Univ of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC).  I have just completed my postdoc at Bowdoin College in Maine, and I am very grateful to have this tenure-track appointment here at UWEC.

In any case, I am writing simply to say THANK YOU very much for spending time to code problems in WebWorK.  This will be my 2nd semester here using this online homework system.  It is still EXTREMEMLY new to me and I am envious of your abilities to code such wonderful problems.  This Spring, I will be teaching a course here called Finite Math (which is a terminal math course generally for freshmen who are non-math and non-science majors) and it covers a wide variety of topics like matrices, linear programming, logic, counting, set theory, finance math, etc.  No one at our school has yet tried to incorporate WebWorK with this particular class, so I have decided to attempt that this Spring semester.  I am extremely grateful for the work that you have already done for me and for countless others that use your problems.  So again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, and I look forward to meeting you at some math event in our common futures.

By the way, I am also teaching a higher-level class this coming semester.  It is Discrete Mathematics and is required for our computer science majors and is an elective for our math majors.  No one here at UWEC has incorporated WebWorK with their higher-level classes yet.  I do see that there are a number of problems in the National Public Library on combinatorics and graph theory (and other topics taught in our Discrete Math course).  Do you have any advice to a newbie like myself on how to incorporate WebWorK with a more advanced class like Discrete Mathematics?

With sincere gratitude,
