Alternatively, since the answer hint routine is only called if the answer is not correct, you could just set $student->{isClose} = 1 when it is actually equal (rather than using a separate field isEqual) and that will simplify both the checker and the testing in the answer hint routine.
Untested code:
ANS($anser_list->cmp (checker => sub { my ($correct,$student,$ans) = @_; $student->{isClose} = 1 if Vector($correct-$student)->norm < .3*$tolerance; return $correct == $student; })->withPostFilter(AnswerHints(sub { my ($correct,$student,$ans) = @_; $student = List($student) unless $student->class eq "List"; foreach $point ($student->value) {return 0 unless $point->{isClose}} return 1; } => ["You're close. You need to position at least one dot more precisely"] )));