Forum archive 2000-2006

Michael Gage - List of Units

Michael Gage - List of Units

by Arnold Pizer -
Number of replies: 0
inactiveTopicList of Units topic started 5/3/2000; 10:47:39 PM
last post 5/3/2000; 10:47:39 PM
userMichael Gage - List of Units  blueArrow
5/3/2000; 10:47:39 PM (reads: 5806, responses: 0)
The answers you enter as the solutions to your WebWork problem sets must conform to the following conventions, in order to be interpreted and graded correctly.


Problems requiring a numerical answer


Most answers consist of a numerical value followed by an abbreviation for the appropriate units of the physical quantity. A space must separate the numerical value from the units, as in for example 1.234 m.


Numerical values


The numerical value may be written as a floating point decimal, for example 0.00314159, or in scientific notation as either 3.14159E-3 (as in FORTRAN) or 3.14159*10^-3 (with * signifying multiplication, and ^ signifying exponentiation; note in using the FORTRAN-like notation, you must use capital "E" and not small "e"). In place of a specific number for the numerical part of an answer, you may also use algebraic expressions. For example, (6+4)/2 is the same as writing 5. To see the syntax required for such expressions, as well as to see which special functions and numerical constants are recognized, see the section on Accepted math functions. Note that trigonometric functions assume the argument is expressed in radians and not degrees.





The units may be any compound expression of the form:

[unit]1^n1*[unit]2^n2*...*[unit]3^n3/ [unit]4^n4*[unit]5^n5*...*[unit]6^n6

where [unit]i is any of the unit abbreviations listed below, and the ni are positive or negative integers. The string of units before the / denote the numerator of the compound expression, while those following the / denote the denominator of the compound expression. There may be only one / in a given compound unit expression and no spaces are allowed within the units expression.

The abbreviations for units that are recognized by WebWork are:

abbrev.unit name dimension equivalence in fundamental units
degdegreeangle1 deg = pi/180 rad
radradianangle1 rad = 180/pi deg
msmillisecondtime1 ms = 0.001 s
minminutetime1 min = 60 s
hrhourtime1 hr = 60 min = 3600 s
daydaytime1 day = 24 hr = 8.64E4 s
yryeartime1 yr = 365.25 day = 3.15576E7 s
kmkilometerlength1 km = 1000 m
cmcentimeterlength1 cm = 0.01 m
mmmillimeterlength1 mm = 0.001 m
micronmicrometerlength1 micron = 10^-6 m
ummicrometerlength1 um = 10^-6 m
nmnanometerlength1 nm = 10^-9 m
AAngstromlength1 A = 10^-10 m
ininchlength1 in = 0.0254 m
ftfeetlength1 ft = 12 in = 0.3048 m
mimilelength1 mi = 5280 ft = 1609.344 m
light-yearlight yearlength1 light-year = 9.46E15 m
Llitervolume1 L = 10^-3 m^3
mlmillilitervolume1 ml = 10^-3 L = cm^3
cccubic centimetervolume1 cc = 10^-3 L = cm^3
knotsnautical miles per hourvelocity1 knots = (1852/3600) m/s
ggrammass1 g = 10^-3 kg
slugslugmass1 slug = 14.6 kg
HzHertzfrequency1 Hz = 1 s^-1
kHzkilo-Hertzfrequency1 kHz = 1000 Hz = 10^3 s^-1
MHzmega-Hertzfrequency1 MHz = 10^6 Hz = 10^6 s^-1
revrevolutionsperiod1 rev = 2pi rad
cyclescyclesperiod1 cycles = 1 rev = 2pi rad
degKdegrees Kelvintemperature 
degCdegrees Centigradetemperature 
degFdegrees Fahrenheittemperature 
NNewtonforce1 N = 1 kg*m/s^2
microNmicro-Newtonforce1 microN = 10^-6 N = 10^-6 kg*m/s^2
uNmicro-Newtonforce1 uN = 10^-6 N = 10^-6 kg*m/s^2
JJouleenergy1 J = 1 N*m = 1 kg*m^2/s^2
kJkilo-Jouleenergy1 kJ = 1000 J = 10^3 kg*m^2/s^2
lbffoot-poundenergy1 lbf = 1.355 N*m = 1.355 kg*m^2/s^2
WWattpower1 W = 1 J/s = 1 kg*m^2/s^3
kWkilo-Wattpower1 kW = 1000 W = 10^3 kg*m^2/s^3
dynedyneforce1 dyne = 10^-5 N = 10^-5 kg*m/s^2
ergergenergy1 erg= 10^-7 J = 10^-7 kg*m^2/s^2
lbpoundforce1 lb = 4.45 N = 4.45 kg*m/s^2
tontonforce1 ton = 2000 lb = 8900 kg*m/s^2
PaPascalpressure1 Pa = 1 N/m^2 = 1 kg/m*s^2
kPakilo-Pascalpressure1 kPa = 1000 Pa = 10^3 kg/m*s^2
atmatmospherepressure1 atm = 14.7 lb/in^2 = 1.01E5 Pa = 1.01E5 kg/m*s^2
calcalorieenergy1 cal = 4.19 J = 4.19 kg*m^2/s^2
kcalkilocalorieenergy1 kcal = 1000 cal = 4190 kg*m/s^2
eVelectron voltenergy1 eV = 1.60E-19 J = 1.60E-9 kg*m^2/s^2
kWhkilo-Watt hourenergy1 kWh = 3.6E6 J = 3.6E6 kg*m^2/s^2

Multiple choice problems

Some problems require you to enter all of several possible choices that are correct, for example ACEG. In this case, enter the letters corresponding to the choices in one string without any spaces separating the letters.


Problems requiring a symbolic functional expression for the answer

Follow the conventions explained in the WebWork section on Accepted math functions.

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