To obtain the following problem: (1 pt) rochesterLibrary/setMAAtutorial/
Standard Example
Complete the sentence: world;
Enter the sum of these two numbers:

Enter the derivative of
you would type the following:
001: 002: 003: DOCUMENT(); 004: loadMacros(, 005:, 006:, 007: 008: ); 009: 010: TEXT(beginproblem(), $BR,$BBOLD, Standard example, $EBOLD, $BR,$BR); 011: 012: # A question requiring a string answer. 013: $str = 'world'; 014: #$str = "Dolly"; 015: BEGIN_TEXT 016: Complete the sentence: $BR 017: \{ ans_rule(20) \} $str; 018: $PAR 019: END_TEXT 020: 021: ANS( str_cmp( "Hello") ); 022: 023: # A question requiring a numerical answer. 024: #define the variables 025: $a = 3; 026: $b = 5; 027: #$a=random(1,9,1); 028: #$b=random(2,9,1); 029: 030: BEGIN_TEXT 031: Enter the sum of these two numbers: $BR 032: \($a + $b = \) {ans_rule(10) } 033: $PAR 034: END_TEXT 035: 036: $sum = $a + $b; 037: ANS( num_cmp( $sum ) ); 038: 039: # A question requiring an expression as an answwer 040: BEGIN_TEXT 041: Enter the derivative of \[ f(x) = x^{$b} \] $BR 042: \(f '(x) = \) \{ ans_rule(30) \} 043: $PAR 044: END_TEXT 045: $new_exponent = $b-1; 046: $ans2 = "$b*x^($new_exponent)"; 047: ANS( fun_cmp( $ans2 ) ); 048: #<<<######################################################### 049: BEGIN_TEXT 050: $HR 051: 052: You can view the 053: \{ htmlLink(sourceAlias("links/set$setNumber/standardexample.html"), 054: "source", q!TARGET="source"!)\} 055: for this problem. 056: END_TEXT 057: #########################################################>>> 058: ENDDOCUMENT(); 059: 060:
Comments: Perl code:
In addition to the printed text, there are programming statements which define the coefficients used in the problem.
Any statements that are not within BEGIN_TEXT / END_TEXT
statements are interpreted as Perl code using additional subroutines
(also called macros) written for the PG language. Even the DOCUMENT() and loadMacros(...) and ANS statements are progamming statements in Perl which call predefined subroutines. PG macros: See Hello world example for info on the most basic PG macros. For more information on Perl see PG language basics.
Each Perl statement must end with a semi-colon.
Any line which begins with # is a comment line.
- The first group of statements repeats the Hello world question.
The next group of statements defines a question requiring a numerical
answer. In lines 25 and 26 we set $a equal to 3 and $b equal to 5.
If you want to choose random numbers instead, comment out lines 25 and
26 (insert # at the beginning of the line) and uncomment the next two
The macro random(1,9,1) chooses random numbers uniformly distributed between 1 and 9 with step size 1. (To obtain fractional numbers use random(1,5,0.25) which will give you a uniformly distributed choice from the numbers 1, 1.25, 1.50,... 5. A short hand version for random(1,5,1) is random(1,5) ).
The variables named $a and $b now contain two integers. (In Perl all
scalar variable names begin with a dollar sign. A scalar variable can
hold a single number (integer or real number) or a string (of
characters). A scalar variable can also hold "pointers" and "objects"
as will be explained later. - Variable Interpolation Inserting the phrase $a +
$b in the text portion of the problem causes the quantities stored in
$a and $b to be printed (interpolated). Note: In text mode these
numbers are not added, the plus sign is printed just as a plus sign
(line 32).
- Math mode The construction \( ...\) means that
anything inside the parentheses will be printed or typeset in "math
mode" (line32). This is the same construction used in LaTeX and it
means that the formatting of formulas and numbers inside these
parentheses will conform as closely as possible to the standards for
typesetting equations.
- Display math mode This is almost the same as math
mode, but it uses the construction \[...\] to display a mathematical
formula in a paragraph by itself (line 41).
- All mathematics formulas, including numbers, should be
enclosed in either the math mode or the display math mode construction
or else they will not look like math formulas.
- In the statement
$sum = $a + $b;
the contents of the variables $a and $b are added and placed in the variable $ans (line 36).
- More answer evaluators:
The answer evaluator num_cmp($ans)
compares the student's answer with the number stored in the variable
$ans (line 37). For real numbers the answers are expected to agree to
within .01%. See the documentation for answer evaluators and
Then answer evaluator fun_cmp($ans2) compares the student answer with the function defined by the string in the variable $ans2 (line 47).
The three answer evaluators str_cmp(..) for strings, num_cmp($ans) for numbers, and fun_cmp(...)
for functions are the three most commonly used methods of checking
answers. It is however possible to customize these answer_evaluators
and even to create new ones.
- More examples:
setAlgebra5Equations/ -- source setDerivatives13Higher/ -- source
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