topic started 1/3/2007; 3:19:19 AM last post 1/3/2007; 6:42:38 AM |
1/3/2007; 6:42:38 AM (reads: 41, responses: 0) |
Look in webwork2/conf/snippets and you will find several .tex
files. These are used at the beginning and end of the hardcopy
document, and in between problems (the names should tell you which one
goes where). You can edit these to suit your needs. You could change 10pt to 12pt in the \documentclass and remove the \begin{multicols}2 in the preamble file and the \end{multicols} in the postamble file, for instance. Spacing between problems could be added to the problem divider file.
These changes would be system-wide. If you want course-by-course control, you could make copies of these files and set the $webworkFiles{hardcopySnippets}{preamble} = "$webworkDirs{conf}/snippets/hardcopyPreamble-OneColumn.tex";would do (assuming you made a modified copy of hardcopyPreamble.tex called hardcopyPreamble-OneColumn.tex ).
Note, however, that most set header files turn off two-columns for the
header and then turn it back on, so you would have to edit the headers
to prevent this. This is usually done via the
It would be more difficult to change the format on a set-by-set basis. It might be possible to use Hope that helps. Davide |