
WW 2.17 on CentOS 7 server Library Browser Error

Re: WW 2.17 on CentOS 7 server Library Browser Error

by Glenn Rice -
Number of replies: 4
What does it show when you run "git --version"? I suspect your version of git is older too.

I notice that your output from git does not show the "-C" option.  That option has been around for a while, so I suspect your version of git is rather dated.

Note that the "-c" option is not the same as the "-C" option for git.  So changing that won't work.
In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: WW 2.17 on CentOS 7 server Library Browser Error

by Edwin Flórez -
yes too old it was, update git to 2.36.1 using this reference

The problem is CentOS 7 itself, one has to struggle a lot.

What do you think about this problem as I showed you earlier?

It displays fine but when I try to preview it or review response I get this error.

Again an outdated Perl package (B - The Perl Compiler Backend,

I'm trying to update it but I'm having difficulties.

thank you very much for your help, now at least almost everything is working on my old CentOS 7 with the new WW 2.17.

In reply to Edwin Flórez

Re: WW 2.17 on CentOS 7 server Library Browser Error

by Glenn Rice -
I am really not certain. You could try installing the perl JSON::XS package and see if that fixes this. I am reaching a bit here though. I see that the error is coming from JSON::PP, which is the native JSON backend. If you install JSON::XS it should switch to using that instead. We have seen other issues with using JSON::PP.
In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: WW 2.17 on CentOS 7 server Library Browser Error

by Danny Glin -
Installing JSON::XS (using yum install perl-JSON-XS) on CentOS 7 fixed this particular issue for me.
In reply to Danny Glin

Re: WW 2.17 on CentOS 7 server Library Browser Error

by Edwin Flórez -
Thanks Glenn and Danny, now everything works after install JSON::XS using yum install perl-JSON-XS.