If you want "All real numbers" to be equal to (-inf,inf), then you need to make "All real numbers" be a constant, not a string. That would be
Context()->constants->redefine("All real numbers",from=>"Interval",using=>"R");The problem is that constant names are not allowed to contain spaces. So in order to do this, you need to change the allowed constant names first:
Context()->constants->{namePattern} = qr/.*/; Context()->constants->redefine("All real numbers",from=>"Interval",using=>"R");This first line allows names to be anything (any string of any characters). Note, however, that this is case-sensitive, and that students could use this just as they could (-inf,inf), so could make formulas that include "All real numbers", as in
1 < x or all real numbers
Alternatively, you can make "All real numbers" into a string
Context()->strings->add("All real numbers"=>{});(which will be case-insensitive), and use "All real numbers" when that is the correct answer. Students can enter a string without an error message (though it will be marked incorrect). When it is the correct answer, however, you may want to add typeMatch=>"Interval" to the cmp() call in order to get the proper type checking on the student's answers.
Hope that helps.